Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Welcome to Toast of the Town!

Hi There! It's Just Lil Ol Me.
- Introductions Really Aren't My Thing

Those of you who already know me would laugh hysterically to hear me refer to myself as shy.

Those of you who know me have heard too many (if there is such a thing – wink, wink) of my rambling stories and you have hopefully seen me take the stage at Theatre Macon. You have certainly watched me commandeer a microphone or two and you may have even seen me – yes – dance on the table (MAGA).

However, I will tell those of you who don’t already know me . . . that I am terribly shy - that I rarely ever make introductions of myself. Preferring instead to have my friends and family “facilitate” new acquaintances, I am ever so timid when it comes to fresh faces. So, in the spirit of “A New Day – Good Morning Sunshine!” (a working title for my New Year), I’m going to break with tradition and tell you this:

My name is Ashley Smith, I am terribly excited to meet you and if you Love to Live, Love to Work and Love, Love, LOVE to play in Macon, Georgia . . . I am your new best friend!

Look no further for the scoop, no longer for the most precious costumes in which to drape yourself, the most delectable morsels with which to pleasure yourself and the most exciting ways in which you can escape from it all.

I will share my Tuesdays with you. Tuesday is my favorite day. Having made it through the hustle and bustle of Monday there is time to slow down, reflect on the weekend, have a Tuna Melt at Adriana’s and imagine the possibilities of a week that is still so invigoratingly fresh.

I will tell you all about the parties that you miss and those that you can’t afford to. I will let you tiptoe up and take a peek at my trials and tribulations and I will share with you a few of my favorite things along the way.

Oh - and it is so lovely to finally meet you!


1 comment:

Jennifer Hayslip said...

Congrats you guys on your new blog! Look forward to reading your post and (per Terrell :)) making Macon a hip & COOLER place!!!