Monday, September 22, 2008

Living The Single Life - Like A Soccer Mom

From time to time this big ‘ol house can feel a teensy bit empty. Okay, so it’s twelve hundred square feet that gets crowded when I let both dogs in at the same time, but you know what I mean. There is only one toothbrush on my sink and the toys scattered throughout the house belong to visiting children.

I once asked my mother for a couple of paintings that she was storing and her reply was. “Well . . . (dramatic pause) . . . I’m really saving those in case your sister ever has a baby girl.” To which my reply was “yes, mom – because I’m clearly way too old to ever have one.” She must have felt pretty bad because the paintings are now hanging in my living room.

But I’ve gotten a similar attitude from family, friends, and even children of friends! So, you see, sometimes this “biological clock” that people talk about isn’t ticking from within but rather being held to your ear by everyone else. And when my little house gets very quiet and still . . . (granted, I consider the fact that none of my X-suitors are my current husband to be one of life's true blessings) . . . I occassionally find myself wishing that there were two toothbrushes on the sink and that I could hear the feet of my own little baby pitter-pattering from room to room.

Luckily, Amy Hellis was in need of loaning a couple of hers out for the day! So Saturday, I woke up with three little girls. Amy was off to the airport to pick up Clayton and I started the day baking muffins with Jozi, Charley and (Charley’s spend-the-night-company) Sarah Grace. Off to a great start - I managed to bake the muffins, keep Jozi from pouring paint onto the rug, clean the kitchen and get Sarah Grace ready to be picked up. Things went a bit downhill from there.

The hustle and bustle that ensued when SG’s Mom picked her up gave Jozi just enough time to attempt a triple off the sofa and kissing the boo-boo distracted me just enough that - when we arrived at Charley’s soccer game and her first question was “did ‘we’ bring my soccer ball” – I knew I was in over my head. Long story short . . . I spent the game trying to keep Jozi in shoes and under a hat and Charley spent it playing soccer without a jersey. Whew! Amy & Clayton arrived just in time and I’m still uncertain (wink-wink) whether the ecstatic hugs that the children gave Clayton were due to his return from South Africa or their escape from my lack of competence.

It was apparent to me that I should go back and review the basics – a course known as dinner, bath time and bedtime at the Moody’s. Clearly an introductory course . . . when I arrived, Allyson had a lovely dinner of chicken, risotto and asparagus ready to be served and the boys were already in their highchairs. The task at hand for me was to express my wine preference, enjoy my dinner and try not to laugh when a fork flew across the table. I had this one.

Afterwards, Allyson gave me a psychology lesson when Barrett wouldn’t join Walter in the shower. “Let him be” she said “and watch.” A few minutes later when Barrett was begging to get in the shower and she was saying “no, it’s your brother’s turn” and “are you sure” . . . I was in awe. Where in the hell does one learn these things? I guess it’s a good thing for my potential future children that I’ve got an Amy and Allyson on speed dial!

However (eeeks!), there is absolutely nothing like an invitation to a party to make a single, childless, foot-loose-and-fancy-free fashionista such as myself appreciate exactly where she’s at right this moment.

Today, I received the most adorable invitation to an all day, eco-friendly, GLAM fest at Laura Turner Seydel’s house. I adored Laura the moment that I met her and I can’t wait to spend the day sipping and splurging in utter and complete self absorption. And I don’t mean to make anyone pea GREEN with envy . . . but it’s invitation only so you’ll have to enjoy this particular soiree vicariously. On second thought, I know a couple of Mommies that deserve a come-with . . . better get them on the list and get busy figuring out how to spring ‘em!


Hot This Week! (Ooh Girl It Is Soooo . . . )

Cows & Canoes! I reconnected with a childhood friend and plans for a trip to the mountains are in the works, a can't-miss Toast for sure!

Quesadillas & Margaritas at Pollys. Cheap-cheap, Yum-yum!

The Georgia State Fair

The Kazoo Ensemble: World Record Attempt

Step Right Up, Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out . . .

On Saturday, October 4, 2008, Macon welcomes writers to the Crossroads Writers’ Conference. Held in the historic downtown district as a living tribute to the city’s rich literary history, the conference brings together some of the finest talents in the country to guide writers young in the craft as they face their career crossroads.

Puccini's Madama Butterfly . . . Toast of the Townie, Laura Peacock will be in the chorus as a Geisha(!) and Fantasies of the Opera Ball.

Wicked - I saw it in New York, from dead center on the third row, and can say - without hesitation - that a Broadway Musical can change the way that you see the world! It's coming to Atlanta so don't miss it.

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