Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A (Film) Festive Week

My week was one of rest, relaxation and REVELRY!

Monday and Tuesday were spent with Eckhart Tolle, on a Pefect Day Mattress, wrapped in Isabel’s Bamboo Sheets. I know – aren’t you just pea green with envy? The thrill of opening weekend as Jenny Jones (alleged Mother of the foundling Tom Jones) had left me a wee bit worse for the wear and in need of some downtime. I used said downtime to immerse myself in the renewal of mind, body and spirit and emerged from my little nest, a new woman.

A bittersweet Wednesday marked the beginning of closing weekend for Tom Jones and Thursday afternoon I found myself strolling around downtown with Allyson Moody – in the rain. How lovely the company that I kept must have been that, only after walking seven or eight blocks, did we even realize how soaked-to-the-bone we actually were. The two of us sought refuge at Tokyo Alley (Sweet & Hot Chicken is the ticket), with the most precious puddles gathering at our feet, for almost two hours of Thai & tales. After which . . . someone pressed the fast-forward button!

It’s a bit of a blur from then on but I will do my best to give you the highlights.

MAGA opened Thursday evening and Karla Redding brought us to tears of joy with overwhelming sentiments on Macon, her beloved father, and the work of “The Big O” Youth Educational Dream Foundation. I was proud to live here and proud to call a Woman like Karla a friend of mine.

Friday and Saturday were much like a Merry-Go-Round. From silver screen to stage and back again - I enjoyed the best audiences a girl can ask for, cast parties (including Gail Johnson’s Chess Cake and a New York Strip/Shirley Temple combo at Tic Toc that is absolutely to-die-for), after parties (including a dance off between BJ Dunwody and Georgie Walden), and a little snuggle-wuggle with my favorite fellow, Jack (Dunwody.)

Sunday! Sunday, Sunday, Sunday . . . I can say that Sunday was magical without the least fear of letting my flair for the dramatic take over. We (the MAGA Board) presented awards to the most talented group of filmmakers we have yet to see. I watched Please Call Home for the first time and cried like a little baby, both during the film and after, when Mama Louise received a long-overdue key to our dear city.

So you can see how Monday was a bit like watching the carnies pack up and drive the fair out of town.

If you missed the ride, check our page for snaps – they’ll be up soon.


p.s. my picks for this week are:

2/26 Annexation Meetings

2/27 Dinner & A Classic

2/28 Taste of Macon

2/29 Monster Jam (I Heart Big Trucks!)

3/1 Dying & Living With A.I.D.S.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well done !! The event was the greatest - and for those who missed it, they missed a teriffic, fun time in Macon, Ga.-- not Atlanta or New York !! Excellant job by all of the Capital Board and volunteers. Anita