Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What I Know About Joe

The brass tacks:  I didn't have room for another client.  My annual philanthropic accounts were spoken for.  And I had called in more favors than I had delivered in the past year.  In other words . . . to say that I was ill-prepared for a pro-bono project, would be trite.

But I'm not the type of gal who thinks like that when the (not so) little voice speaks to me.  This client needed my help.  There was so much potential in the brand.  It was a cause that I was extraordinarily prepared for.  And there were things that I could do to immediately create some momentum.  It was time to make the magic happen.

Their response when I scored a spot to get away for a day or so, focus, and record the necessary strategic notes for their book?  "Want to wait until we have the time and money to get away for a few months before writing anything."  Their response when I began to line up Philanthropic, Celebrity & Political opportunities?  "We'll need an appearance fee."

Two blown-off telephone meetings later, having had not even a moment to discuss the graphic and video favors I called in, I began to see why this company was down to their last dime.  And what REALLY surprised me, was that the dude with the reins credited Joseph Campbell as a source of great inspiration.

Sooo . . . Never one to waste a "the moral of the story is" when I had already wasted so much of my time.

Here's What I Know About Joe:

It doesn't work like that.  It doesn't even begin to work like that.  Following your bliss is not a journey that requires much packing.  You don't need more time.  You don't need more money.

In fact, you need pack only one thing.

A Blindfold.

Following your bliss is not about counting fiscal gain or adding feathers to your cap.  It's a very simple equation.

Bliss + Blind Faith + Action - Attachment to Personal Gain = Where The Magic Happens

And it makes the magic happen every single time.  In ways that you can't, and shouldn't be able to, expect.  And like any equation, you can't change the formula without changing the outcome.

Bliss . . . . . . You have to listen for it.

+ Blind Faith . . . . . . You have to pay attention to it, without asking why.

+ Action . . . . . . No excuses.  Say yes to every single opportunity.

- Attachment to Personal Gain . . . . . . If money, or fame, is your motivator, you'll end up with less of it.

I'm telling you . . . every single time.  Every.  Single.  Damn.  Time.

To Magic!
To Tying One On . . . Blindfolds That Is.
And To Bliss.

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